Organic Hydroponics Production

Wafaa M. Haggag

National Research Centre

Fawzy Z F

National Research Centre

El Sawey S

National Research Centre


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Hydroponic culture is a controlled systems use a soilless growing media , supply all of the plant's nutrition in the plant's solutions (water with dissolved fertilizers)  , result in higher yields of vegetables, flowers , herbs and others crops. Hydroponic systems derive in many various forms and types. Most traditional hydroponic systems are extremely specialized, controlled-environment production systems. Organic hydroponics is a system that  is arranged based on organic agriculture of culture. Different approaches are used for controlling of plant pathogens as physical, natural chemical, biological controls,   biofertilizers , bioremediators and integrated pest management. All the required nutrients are supplied in controlled amounts, including organic crops.  This article discuss the way for promoting organic hydroponics systems and to help the small-scale producer make decisions about follow this markets , production methods, and  disease control. 

Keywords: Hydroponic, Organic Biocontrol agents, Biofertilizers


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