Assessment of Pesticide Use against Tephrtidae Fruit Fly and Other Pest among Small-scale Solanaceous Vegetable Farmers in Bugorhe-Kabare the Democratic Republic of CongoAssessment of Pesticide Use against Tephritidae Fruit Fly and Other Pest among Small-scale Solanaceous Vegetable Farmers in Bugorhe-Kabare the Democratic Republic of Congo

Rubabura K.JA.

Agricultural Entomology laboratory, Entomology Section, Research Centre in Natural Sciences (CRSN-Lwiro), Democratic Republic of Congo

Ndatabaye L.F.

Agricultural Entomology laboratory, Entomology Section, Research Centre in Natural Sciences (CRSN-Lwiro), Democratic Republic of Congo

Lina A.A.

Department of Biology, State University of Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo

Muhigwa B.JB.

Department of Biology, State University of Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo


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Ninety-six farmers interviewed in Kabare, east of the DR Congo during 2021. Farmers majority were males (79.17%), ranging 30 to 60 years, used different pesticides in vegetable farms and the main solanaceous crops cultivated is tomato. The use of insecticide and fungicide were high, with many different formulations of the different class types recorded in use, (20%) endocrine disruptors, (40%) cholinesterase inhibitors, (35%) carcinogen and potential carcinogens suspected to be. A lot of out of those pesticides are unregistered for general use. Farmers applied pesticide once a week and they didn’t have specific instructions. The skin effects, headaches and dizziness are dominant. They do not have a good system of pesticide packaging management. For reducing pesticide application, we propose options of agro ecology. We suggest that the Congolese government must create a quarantine, control and surveillance service for phytosanitary products, fruits and vegetables within the DRC country and at these borders. Also, it needs urgent action from the federal and regional governments to formulate policy, design legislation, and enforcing for its implementation concerning the supply, transportation, storage, appropriateness, and application of harmful pesticides.

Keywords: Pesticide, Market gardeners’ crops, Farmer’s small holders, Endocrine disruptors, Cholinesterase inhibitors


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